
Tecplot cutoff
Tecplot cutoff

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Prog Aerosp Sci 40(4–5):237–289Ĭorke T, Jumper E, Post ML, Orlov D, McLaughlin T (2002) Application of weakly-ionized plasmas as wing flow-control devices. Prog Aerosp Sci 47(7):495–521Ĭollis SS, Joslin RD, Seifert A, Theofilis V (2004) Issues in active flow control: theory, control, simulation, and experiment. Exp Fluids 48(5):791–808Ĭho YC, Shyy W (2011) Adaptive flow control of low-Reynolds number aerodynamics using dielectric barrier discharge actuator.

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J Phys D Appl Phys 42:235204īenard N, Moreau E, Griffin J, Cattafesta LN (2010) Slope seeking for autonomous lift improvement by plasma surface discharge. J Electrostat 67(2–3):133–139īenard N, Mizuno A, Moreau E (2009b) A large-scale multiple dielectric barrier discharge actuator based on an innovative three-electrode design. Flow Turbul Combust 87:1–31īenard N, Jolibois J, Moreau E (2009a) Lift and drag performances of an axisymmetric airfoil controlled by plasma actuator. AIAA J 45(6):1382–1392īenard N, Moreau E (2011) On the vortex dynamic of airflow reattachment forced by a single non-thermal plasma discharge actuator.

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Int J Adapt Control Signal Process 18(1):1–22īecker R, King R, Petz R, Nitsche W (2007) Adaptive closed-loop separation control on a high-lift configuration using extremum seeking. Finally, the slope seeking with EKF showed excellent robustness over a moderate Re range that is, the voltage amplitude determined by the control algorithm promptly responded to a change in Re, much faster than that of the conventional slope seeking with HP and LP filters.Īriyur KB, Krstić M (2004) Slope Seeking: a generalization of extremum seeking. The reduction in t c was also observed at a different Re. It has been demonstrated that the t c was about 70 % less under the slope seeking with EKF than that under the conventional slope seeking with high-pass (HP) and low-pass (LP) filters at Re = 7.7 × 10 4. Secondly, the convergence time t c of the lift force F L at Re from 4.4 × 10 4 to 7.7 × 10 4 was investigated for two closed-loop systems. The sawtooth plasma actuator led to a delay in the stall angle α stall by 5° and an increase in the maximum lift coefficient \(C_\) by about 3 %. Firstly, the advantages of applying this DBD plasma actuator (hereafter called sawtooth plasma actuator) on the airfoil were examined in an open-loop system at Re = 7.7 × 10 4. Experiments were performed under different freestream velocities U ∞, covering the chord Reynolds number Re from 4.4 × 10 4 to 7.7 × 10 4. A novel dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuator was used to manipulate the flow around the NACA 0015 airfoil. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the response of the slope seeking with extended Kalman filter (EKF) deployed in a closed-loop system for airfoil aerodynamics control.

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